General Betray Us?



You’ve probably already read about the advertisement by implying that General Petraeus is a liar (“General Petraeus or General Betray us? Cooking the books for the White House”). These people are disgusting and treasonous. Last night on NY1’s “Inside City Hall” program, former NYC Mayor Ed Koch declared, “These people deserve to be proverbially horsewhipped.” Mayor Koch sent this email yesterday:

Every decent person and responsible presidential candidate, Democrat and Republican, should denounce, and if they are associated with the organization, not only denounce it, but demand it retract the ad with a superseding one apologizing for the slur. They should withdraw future support from the organization.

I could not agree more. This ad may very well be the final straw that broke the camel’s back for many centrists and “blue-dog” Democrats. Every Democratic presidential candidate who has received funds should return this tainted money immediately, the same way Democrats have been distancing themselves from disgraced fundraiser Norman Hsu.

To insinuate that someone who has put his life in danger for this country for most of his adult life–a 35-year career soldier who has been wounded three times–is simply a lapdog for President Bush is not only out of line, it disgusts me as a registered Democrat.

Further, if General Petraeus is “cooking the books” what about the Democrats who reluctantly agree with him? Senators Joe Biden and Dick Durbin both came to similar conclusions after recently visiting Iraq. The Weekly Standard’s Pete Hegseth writes:

And this is not just about General Petraeus. After all, if General Petraeus is “cooking the books,” then the entire military chain of command in Baghdad, and all the staff, military and civilian, who have been working with General Petraeus are complicit, since Petraeus did not write his report in isolation. They are all, apparently, ‘betray[ing] us.’

In the minds of the loony left, they all are.

I’ll be calling my senators and representatives to ask them if they support this ad. If they do, they can expect to lose my support.

One response »

  1. Groups like MoveOn have already made up their minds about the war and how it is going. Anyone who does not agree with their view, regardless of their position or knowledge on the subject, is labeled some type of Bush stooge.

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