The End (of the Semester) is Near



Only a few more days until final exams. Then comes the joy of grading them. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel…

After finals week I am heading to Northern California for a few days to visit family and friends. I plan on posting a few pictures from my trip but there will likely be much less Mexican food consumed this time. NorCal simply does not have the variety (or quality) of Mexican food one finds in the southern part of the state.

Instead, expect plenty of beautiful vistas–the San Francisco Bay, the Golden Gate and Bay Bridges, etc.–unless it is rainy the entire time. Also looking forward to seeing the new home of the Judah L. Magnes Museum in Berkekey. The old building was beautiful but as the collections held by the museum continue to grow, it is too small.

Here is a roundup of what I am reading this morning:

Airforce Amazons: Against a False Choice

Bob from Brockley: Fascism Watch (South London)

But I am a Liberal! Iraqi Developments

Contentious Centrist: Germans and terrorism, the RAF movie, etc.

Flesh is Grass: British Fascists and 9/11 Untruths

Terry Glavin (added to my blogroll) has been providing excellent coverage of events in Afghanistan

Greater Surbiton celebrates a First Birthday. Congrats, Marko!

Martin in the Margins: Baader-Meinhoff, terrorism and antisemitism

Modernity Blog: More on the BNP

Normblog: Respect for law and political cynicism

A Secondhand Conjecture: The Voice of Murder

The Stark Tenet: Suggestions for PE Obama

Sultan Knish on The Future of the Republican Party

Your Friend in the North: Woz de Joos wot dun it

Zomblog (Zombietime): Victory in Iraq

7 responses »

  1. Mod, no problem.

    James, looking forward to seeing the new location. Perhaps we’ll bump into each other at the open house.

    Bob, I’m sure you are ready for the break too.

    Roland, me too. I love living in NYC but still miss the bay, especially during the holidays. I wanted to make it out there for Thanksgiving or Chanukah but the tickets were too expensive. As far as the memorial, probably not… 😉

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